
Welcome to The Road to Reality! My plan here is to produce, every one to two weeks, a primer or lesson on some interesting topic in math, physics, machine learning or artificial intelligence, with a heavy emphasis on locking down the intuition behind the ideas over mere symbol shuffling.

Why Subscribe?

I put a good deal of time into studying these topics on my own, but the time has come to start sharing the wealth. I’d love to do this with a community, and take guidance from you all on what’s exciting, and what we should learn together.

Every one or two weeks you’ll get a lesson in your inbox, with a link to an expanded version with interactive code, if I’ve gone particularly overboard.

My real goal here is to build a community of folks interested in this sort of technical leveling up for its own sake. If you’re interested at any level, please subscribe, and send me a note at sritchie09@gmail.com telling me about some of your own goals, or things you’d like to explore together.

Subscribe to The Road to Reality

Primers on interesting topics in math, physics, machine learning or artificial intelligence, with a heavy emphasis on locking down the intuition behind the ideas over mere symbol shuffling.